When the pools shutdown due to covid during the first half of 2021, we realized it was time to pivot and diversify our coaching services, so we started investigating the Triathlon Canada certification program and got stuck into it.
Oscar and I completed the necessary training modules by early summer and were waiting for the right time to make an announcement, but... there were no races on the horizon, and not much to train for. Mid-summer we found out the Vancouver Triathlon was going ahead this gave us extra motivation to train smart and put in strong performances.
The result - we both made it to the podium in our age groups, with Oscar taking 2nd place in the Olympic distance and I got a surprise 3rd place in the Sprint distance.
Now here we are four years later and we've coached 100s of athletes from first timers to podium chasers.
A few highlights from last season:
- 3 x IRONMAN finishers, including our own Coach Oscar
- First place overall in the women's Olympic distance at the Vancouver Triathlon
- Stewart, Oscar, Robin & Keely qualify for the Triathlon World Championships in the mixed team relay!
In summary, we offer the the same great coaching you’ve come to expect from us in the water, but now for cycling and running as well - with two different coaching packages.
The biggest problem with triathlon training plans - the swim! It's never specific to your ability. As we are a swim company, we will change that! Whether you are an aspiring triathlete struggling with the swim but wanting to finish your first triathlon, or an experienced triathlete looking to perform better at your next race, we can create the training plan to help you achieve your goals.
We are looking for passionate, motivated and curious athletes who will let us guide them to become the best athlete they can be. We will build a fully customized training plan specific to your needs and monitor your performance on a daily basis so we can adjust your training to help you hit specific training and racing milestones. Ideally we will have at least a 6-month lead time before your main race.
$179 per month, package includes:
Triathlon can be a lonely sport. Come join us for a group workout to keep you motivated and accountable!
Open to all athletes with a training plan, monthly coaching or on our swim program.
Now that my toes have finally thawed, I am ready to talk about my experience training for the UBC Triathlon.
I have trained for two triathlons on my own, but when I found out Stewart and Oscar were starting a triathlon training group to prepare for the UBC Triathlon I jumped at the opportunity. I am always more motivated when I am in a group and I thought this would be a great way to force myself to keep training through the winter.
Each week consisted of two runs, two bikes, two swims, and two strength sessions. I loved the simplicity of logging into Training Peaks (training plan software) each week and just following the plan Stewart and Oscar created for us. Plus, having the two strength sessions scheduled each week kept me way more consistent with strength training than I have been in the past, which I credit with training for this race without injury.
I completed the training sessions either before or after work depending on my schedule, and doing a lot of the sessions with a friend kept me accountable. It also helped that Stewart and Oscar could see when I didn't complete a session - I didn't want the shame of a red workout on Training Peaks.
My favourite part of the training group was the track workouts on Saturday mornings. I had never run on a track before, and I really enjoyed that I could track my progress week by week, as well as chase the faster runners.
When race day came, I felt more prepared than I had in the past. I had a race plan that I had put together with Stewart and Oscar, and my training leading up to the race was consistent. Even though it was freezing cold (there was snow on the ground - remind me of this before I sign up for next year), I raced well and came away with a higher finish than I thought was possible. Plus I loved seeing others from the training group out on the course - it gave me an extra boost of energy every time.
Next step - Victoria Half Ironman at the end of May.
(What Melissa humbly failed to mention is that she finished 2nd overall in the womens Olympic distance - proud coaches are allowed to humblebrag, right!)
Leaving the training planning to Coach Stewart and Oscar let's you focus on the sport while knowing you're getting stronger and more injury resilient. I have appreciated the time they've taken to personalize my plan, provide ongoing feedback and encouragement, and the flexibility to move scheduled workouts around when needed. Thanks guys!
Coach Stewart and Oscar have helped me simplify and maximize efficiency in my training. Very impressed with their attentiveness and willingness to answer questions and offer advice. So far I have seen significant improvements and I’m looking forward to continuing to get better with them!
The biggest challenge I faced with my training was deciding what to do and when, while trying to determine if it was an effective use of my time. The plan created by Coach Stewart and Oscar is completely tailored to my needs and I am confident that, with their guidance, I will reach all my triathlon goals.
Let us keep you up to date with our course schedule, registration dates,
swim products, special offers, blog posts and technique videos.