When we have extra pool space we will run special clinics. They are usually 2-hours and focus on one specific skill.
We don't currently have anything scheduled, but check back here often. We highly recommend joining our newsletter so we can keep you informed. Courses and clinics can sell out quickly, sometimes within a few minutes of registration opening.
You'll need goggles and short swimming fins for this course. If you purchase those from us we will bring it all to class for you!
The most requested clinic! Learn to bounce off the wall with speed and accelerate away from the non-flip turners! Since we have the whole pool for 2-hours, we will cover both flip turns and dolphin kicking in this clinic. They go hand in hand, since you'll want to have good dolphin kicks after flip turning to maximize your speed off the wall.
The 5th stroke, underwater dolphin kicks can look beautiful, effortless and rhythmical. The fastest you will ever be in the pool is underwater, so learning to dolphin kick can have a massive impact on your overall speed. Usually combined with the Flip Turn clinic.
Learn the skills and techniques to swim breaststroke with rhythm. Suitable for anyone who can swim 50m front crawl and does not have any serious/limiting hip, knee or ankle issues. Get away from that head up granny breaststroke and learn to glide through the water like a pro!
Learn the skills and techniques to swim backstroke with grace. Suitable for anyone who can swim 50m front crawl, is comfortable on their back and want to learn/improve backstroke skills, including how not to bang your head on the wall!
The most beautiful of all the strokes, but has a reputation of being the hardest to learn. Let's change that. Learn the skills needed to swim butterfly smoother and with less effort. Being the most powerful of all the strokes, butterfly can be fast when you get the technique and timing right. Let us help you!
Learn to dive! Starting from the pool deck and progressing to the diving blocks when you are ready. A handy (but not essential) skill if you would like to join our swim team and compete at local swim meets.
No refunds after the course start date.
$50 cancellation charge if you provide less than 72 hours notice.